Wexford で開催されたFleadh Cheoil na hÉireann(フラー・ヒョール・ナ・ヘーレン)コンペティションで、日本支部から出場した安達莉愛さんがハープ・スローエア(12-15歳)部門で優勝、日本人で初めてのオールアイルランド・チャンピオンを獲得しました!! 素晴らしい快挙です。
また、Éadaoin Ní Mhainín(エイディーン・ニ・モーニーン)さんもシャンノース(18歳以上)の部で3位に入賞!!本当におめでとうございます。
その他、Wexford に行かれた皆様も、お疲れさまでした。益々のご活躍をお祈りしております。
We are very happy to announce that Ria Adachi from the Japan Branch won the Harp Slow Air (12-15) category at the Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in Wexford, becoming the first Japanese to win the All-Ireland Champion! A wonderful accomplishment.
Éadaoin Ní Mhainín also won 3rd place in the Sean Nós(O18) category. Congratulations indeed!
We would also like to congratulate everyone else who went to Wexford for the Fleadh Cheoil. We wish you continued success.
We(CCÉ Japan) are happy to announce that we will hold a virtual competition of Irish traditional music. This competition is open to all musicians who reside in Asia and play traditional Irish music.
Entrants are requested to present a recorded performance that will be reviewed by a qualified adjudicator (Mr. Colin McGill from Co.Laois, Ireland) .
The fee is 1,000 JPY per entry.
If you are an international participant and interested to join, please contact us before 15th November by mail from here.
The rules will comply with those of CLÁR NA gCOMÓRTAS 2020. The categories of this competition are as follows.
18-22: SLOW AIRS
【Adjudicator】 Colin McGill Colin McGill from county Laois in Ireland plays the Piano Accordion. He has won numerous all-Ireland titles on the accordion. He has travelled extensively throughout Europe, USA, Russia and Australia playing for Irish dancing competitions. He teaches Piano Accordion, Piano in the local Comhaltas branch and participates in traditional sessions and has adjudicated at all levels of fleadh competitions.
《Fee》¥1,000 par one entry, one person.
ex.1) When you entry 2 solo category, it will be ¥2,000.
ex.2) When you entry duo category with your friend, it will be ¥1,000 for each person.
We will let you know our bank account for payment after your entry by e-mail.
However, if you have difficulty in international bank transfer, let us know from here.
③Post your video(by e-mail)
《Shoot your video》
Please make sure to record video, not only audio of your play.
Fix your camera to record your face and instulment.
Do not stop recording until you finish all of required tunes.(One entry, One file)※It is not allowed to edit your video oraudio.
(It is OK to cut the blank part before/after playing)
《Post your video》
Please use cloud strage (Google drive/ One drive / Drop Box etc...) to upload your video, and share us the link.
<Ex.>Google Drive
■Mail Title:“Music Competition2020, (Name)”
■Mail Boby:(Name) /(Category) /(URL)https://~~~~
■Mail To:ceol@comhaltas.jp
①~③Deadline:15th November
After the Scoring, we will send you score sheet by E-mail(that you submitted in entry form)
※No postal mail will be sent this time.
This comtetiotion doesn't define lanking though, we'll send "Gold" prize for everyone who reached the line of 85% of score.
We'll publish all "Gold" players via SNS afterwords(Name with photograph).
We Accept only three categories below for this competition. Please note other catrgories won’t be accepted this time.
18-22: SLOW AIRS
Note:【18-22:SLOW AIRS】
In the rulebook, it says ”Each Competitor shall submit a list of airs to the adjudicator and play as outlined in Age Groups A-D”. However, this competition doesn’t require the list beforehand. Please select One tune for age group A, Two tunes for age group B,C,D by yourself and play.
ルールブックでは”Each Competitor shall submit a list of airs to the adjudicator and play as outlined in Age Groups A-D”(各出場者が審査員にエアのリストを提出し、年齢グループAからDに述べられた通りに演奏すること)とありますが、今回のオンライン音楽コンペティションではリストの提出は不要です。年齢グループAは1曲、年齢グループB,C,Dは2曲のエアを各自で選曲して演奏してください。