当初6月に開催予定だったフェーレ・トーキョー2020は、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の拡大の影響により中止となりましたがその代替として今年は、12月5日(土)及び6日(日)にFéile Tokyo 2020 Onlineを開催しました。フェーレ・トーキョーをオンライン限定で開催することに合わせ、オンラインの模擬音楽コンペティションを限定種目の録画ビデオ審査で実施しました(今回の対象は、楽器のソロ・デュオ・トリオのみ)。審査員はピアノアコーディオン奏者で、オールアイルランド・チャンピオンであり、フラー予選での審査、サマースクール講師の経験豊富なコリン・マクギル(Colin McGill)氏が務めました。
The lecture will highlight remarkable céilí bands in Ireland, some famous and some lesser known, over the last 100 years of traditional Irish music. Oisín Mac Diarmada will introduce what have made the céilí bands great and which innovations have been brought to their performances. In addition, you will aslo learn how the musical performances at céilí (dance parties) and at Fleadh competitions differ. 【Language: English with Japanese translation】
This workshop will offer technical tips for accompaniment instruments and discuss attractive interpretations of codes and rhythms to go with traditional Irish tunes. Samatha’s workshop attracted many participants in the past two years. 【Language: English with Japanese translation】
Being a great dancer and teacher, Maureen Culleton from County Laois has dedicated herself to promoting Irish language for a long time.
In this workshop, we will learn some basic words and phrases and practice them together with Maureen. Then, we will all sing a song in Irish. This will be a valuable opportunity to come into contact with “Irish” language with fun.
【Language: English/Irish with Japanese translation when necessary】
Mikie O’Shea, is a fidde and tin-whistle player heiled from Nead, Co. Cork in Ireland and he grew up immersing himself in rich polka culture in Sliabh Luachra region.
In this workshop, he will give you the glimpses of polka rythms and playing styles in the context of Sliabh Luachra music as well as some tips to play the polka. 【Language: English with Japanese translation】
This workshop will give broad perspectives on slow air rythms and techniques. You will learn various musical aspects from two of the most renowned whistle and flute players in Japan, hatao and Kozo Toyota.
We’re happy to have Edwina Guckian, who is one of the most famous Sean-nós dancer of present time, as a teacher for our workshop for the first time.
Sean-nós is a kind of dancing you can practice by yourself in a small space at your home. W’ll learn some steps directly from her online.
Suitable for dancers who have danced Sean-nós, Set Dancing, or Step dancing before.
Q&A session will be held after the workshop. Other than taking this workshop online from home, you will be able to join at Nakano Sunplaza (if the venue is accessible) where you can watch the workshop on the monitor screen and practice steps together. If you can’t dance at home, join at Nakano. 【Language: English with Japanese translation when necessary】
スケジュール Schedule
レクチャー “ケーリーバンドの1世紀” by オシーン・マクディアマダ(Oisín Mac Diarmada)
■音楽ワークショップ/レクチャー: All Music Workshop & Lecture 各¥1,000/ par class, par person ■シャンノース・ダンスワークショップ: Sean-nós Workshop ¥1,500 / par person
<必ずご確認ください! Please Notice>
・チケット購入後、12/4(金)20:00に Zoomのリンクをメールでお送りしますのでご確認下さい。メールアドレスの入力ミスにご注意下さい!
We will send you Zoom invitation on 4th December 20:00(JST) by e-mail.
Please make sure your e-mail information to be correct and reachable.
・12/4(金)20:00以後(プログラム終了時間まで購入可能です)に購入された方、また12/4(金)20:00にメールを受け取れなかった方は、お手数ですが ceol@comhaltas.jp までメールでお知らせください。
All tickets will be available until the end of programs.
Although if you bought a ticket after 4th December 20:00(JST),
we need to send information manually.
Please let us know by e-mail(ceol@comhaltas.jp) after you bought a ticket.
If you bought a ticket before 4th December 20:00(JST) but didn't receive Zoom invitation on 4th December 20:00(JST),
Please let us know by e-mail(ceol@comhaltas.jp) as well.
We will send those who bought a ticket archive recording link afterwords.
If you joinning with your friends on one PC,
Please buy tickets for each person.